Doglinks.co.nz -- Updated Links -- July 27, 2008

Book Review
Doggy links
Non-Doggy Sites
Doggy Reading
Non-Doggy Reading
Quotes of the Week
Dog Blog
Thanks to...

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Join DogRead- DogRead.com is a Cyber Book Club on Yahoo groups. DogRead is an interactive workshop format featuring a different dog related
publication each month, WITH the author online. This is NOT a chat list or news bulletin board and is a closely moderated group!

August's author:Barbara Handelman, "Canine Behavior: A Photo-Illustrated Handbook"
http://pets.groups.yahoo.com/ roup/DogRead/join


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Book Review

Missing toby

Doglinks gave away two of these books away. One of our reader said this about the book:

“Missing Toby” Book Review by Anya Fullager (age 10)

Missing Toby was an awesome book. The story is about a girl called Harriet and two dogs, Gus and Max who are like neighborhood police dogs, giving a kind word here and a lesson there. When Harriet's brother Toby dies of an illness, its up to the dogs to keep her happy and out of danger as she no longer has Toby to look after her. Harriet also keeps Gus and Max out of danger by going on errands with them, but sometimes danger follows them without them knowing until they end up risking their lives for each other.

My favourite thing about the book was the mysteries, which kept you guessing. I really enjoyed it.


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Doggy links

Pet Talk Radio An Australia Radio station that features issues around their part of the world. Good to listen to other voices.

Compare Dogs - Compare the Fact Files of up to 5 Breeds

WHAT! My Dog Needs Grooming? Very good article to understand what your dog needs are.

Why should you marry your pet, you ask? Whatever you do... before you take the plunge, be sure to check out this compatibility chart first to see whether you and your pet are "soul mates," or "made for each other."

How flower essences can help all animals (people, too!)

The dog trainer's trainer While Cesar Millan is dazzling TV audiences, Ian Dunbar has been quietly gaining the respect of the people who really count -- other dog experts

Is your family ready for a second dog? Read and answer the quiz

CBS's new reality show is called “Greatest American Dog,” with pet expert-zoologist Jarod Miller as the host. Twelve “dog-and-human teams are vying for the grand prize of $250,000. These teams are in intense training “by running, jumping, fetching and just looking adorable,” reports the Washington Post.


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Featured Links

Glassed Off!
Dog Doors, large & small, supplied & fitted into glass or solid doors (Auckland)

Tessenday We have been breeding for over ten years for soundness, type ,size and above all temperament. We don't breed very often, only if we need to further our breeding programme, so puppies are rarely available but we are always happy to "talk mastiff " as they are our passion.

Trainimals will teach you how to communicate, give your dog everything it needs and deserves. At the same time giving you, “the dog owner”, peace of mind and real pride in your mate.


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Quiz --Name what's wrong with the dog--

The man rings his vet in distress. The vet asks "What is your dog doing? "

"What he is doing is scratching. The topography of the behaviour is that he is using his left hind foot to scratch behind his left ear. His foot is moving at a rate of 75 movements per minute according to the second hand on my watch. The force is sufficient to scatter dog hair and various other debris over a 3-foot radius, and his foot is hitting the bloor between every third to fourth scratch with sufficient force to be heard in the bedroom. He has been scratching for 3 mintues now and he began scatching within 15 seconds of entering my house."

Email me for the answer. Subject line: What's your dog doing?


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Non-Doggy Sites

Mind 42.com Manage all your ideas, whether alone, twosome or working together with the whole world - collaborative, browser-based and for free.

Spam Proof your email address

Radio3 Do you want to listen to Canadian music on your computer? Excellent site for upcoming concert list, etc.

An Open Source Computer Location Tracking System: A free program helps you get a lost or stolen laptop back.
http://ct2.enews.pcmag.com/rd/ cts?d=42-1562-584-956-232178- 441571-0-0-0-1-9-269


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Doggy Reading

The Story of Edgar Sawtelle: A Novel by David Wroblewski is a big, fat novel about an American family
and especially their son and their dogs. Very enjoyable. The accounts of the dogs' breeding and rearing is influenced by, among other books,
*Working Dogs* by Elliot Humphrey & Lucien Warner, a kind of minor classic known primarily.


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Quotes of the Week

Politeness is the art of choosing among your thoughts.
-- Mme. de Stael

The one thing that unites all human beings, regardless of age, gender, religion or ethnic background, is that we all believe we are
above-average drivers.
-- Dave Barry

Ice cream is exquisite -- what a pity it isn't illegal.
-- Voltaire

Life improves slowly and goes wrong fast, and only catastrophe is clearly visible.
-- Edward Teller